Venus, our planet of love, attachment, attraction and wealth, is setting up shop in the cloven hooves and brass tax heart of Capricorn this week.
On Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 1:26 p.m. EST, Venus trades the suede chaps of Sagittarius for the shoulder pads of Capricorn, where she will stay until Dec. 7.
Named for the goddess of love, Venus changes signs every 20 to 45 days, or about once every three weeks. As a personal planet, Venus transits have an evident, immediate impact on us earthlings.
Venusian transits influence our collective approach to love, pleasure and aesthetics, plus our relationship to earning and spending money.
Read on to learn more.
Venus in Capricorn
A cardinal earth sign, Capricorn is ruled by stern Saturn and associated with the 10th house of aspiration and achievement.
What does it mean when the planet of romance takes up residence in the sign of unadulterated ambition? That same enterprising energy is applied to the Venusian realms of love lives and dollar signs.
Venus’ shift into the rocky climes of Capricorn will be most acute for those with personal placements in the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Capricorn represents strategy and obligation, maturation, daddy energy, and our relationship to holding and bowing to authority. In-kind, this transit calls us to step up and accept responsibility for our personal and financial choices while also understanding how patriarchal conditioning has led us to where we are.
Who taught us what to value in others and what was valuable about ourselves? How do we define and build wealth? Were we raised to believe we would never have nor be enough? Where can we grown and how do we need to grow up?
Repair through reparenting
Because Mercury will be retrograding for part of Venus’s stay in Capricorn, inviting self-evaluation, it’s a fine time to heed the words of a Venus in Cap native, the indomitable Dolly Parton, who reminds us: “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.”
Venus in Capricorn is about commitment. Whatever we are nurturing — a project, relationship or sense of worth — this transit shows us the power of consistency and illuminates our responsibility to repair ourselves by reparenting ourselves.
Venus in Capricorn transits
On Nov. 16, Venus in Cap will square the lunar nodes, an aspect that brings to the surface karmic issues and past traumas that have kept or are keeping us from forming foundational bonds and finding solid financial footing.
This is purposeful pain, and only through reckoning with it can we be released from it.
And the hits keep on coming …
On Nov. 28, Thanksgiving day, Venus in Cap will form a tense square with Chiron, our point of deep pain, in Aries. This aspect brings to light experiences or beliefs that have affected our ability to love ourselves and others.
Remember, in the emotional triage and high stakes of this holiday season, people can only love us in the capacity they love themselves.
Tread lightly — dissent gracefully.
On Dec. 2, shortly before changing signs, Venus will trine Uranus, the planet of sudden change and the lightning of inspiration, providing a space for unconventional approaches and unexpected victories.
How to make the most of this Venus transit
Understanding that fools rush in and cowards turn tail, Venus in Capricorn takes its time and only goes all in when the odds are favorable and safety has been secured.
It’s steadfast, if not grandiose, and encourages us to make choices in alignment with our long-term goals.
Venus in Cap teaches us that discipline is a beautiful counterpoint to desire.
When under the influence of this transit, our approach to love, looks and capital gains takes on more serious energy. It urges us to take stock and plan for the long-term payoff rather than the quick hit of instant gratification.
Fine wine versus moonshine, if you will.
When it comes to love, Venus in Capricorn is the mascot for cuffing season. The energy here is all about settling down and settling in for the long night ahead, about building an empire of eros.
Venus in Capricorn is not a fickle lover, a fair-weather friend or a frivolous spender; it chooses carefully and invests fully.
The archetype of Capricorn gets mischaracterized as boring or calculated when, in fact, it is discerning AF and offers a deepening of devotion not found in other signs.
Venus in Capricorn is not a fickle lover, a fair-weather friend or a frivolous spender; it chooses carefully and invests fully.
In kind, I hope you will harness the power of this transit to invest in the temple bank of yourself and determine, from that place of richness, who and what deserves your divine devotion.
Astrology 101: Your guide to the star
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience.
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