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Welcome to Virgo season, star seeds.

As the sun moves from the stage lights, facial contouring and in-the-mirror masturbation of Leo season into Virgo’s pragmatic, purposeful fields, we feel a collective shift towards goal setting and belt-tightening.

Marking the space between summer and fall, Virgo is a mutable sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind and the mouth. Mercury is also associated with commerce and currency, making September a prime time to instill healthy spending and saving habits.

Virgo season is a prime time to plant seeds of savings. Nattapol_Sritongcom – stock.adob

Cleo, the world’s first AI finance assistant, comes correct with tips and tricks to fill your coffers — and curb your reckless expenditures.

Cleo reports that 50% of Americans overspend during the summer months, a habit of largesse that can easily be pinned on Leo’s extra-ness and Cancer’s emotional spending.

Here’s how you get back on track:

Build a livable budget

If you want to build wealth, “takeout is off the menu.” juliamikhaylova –

Associated with rituals of purification, Virgo season supports the elimination of nonessentials — consider committing to a budget that doesn’t starve you of fun.

For starters, Cleo maintains that in pursuit of financial freedom, “takeout’s off the menu.”

Meal planning not only ensures you’re consuming healthier foods, but that you’re not blowing your budget on impulse to-go orders.

Get cash for your clothes this Virgo season. shintartanya –

In a similar stitch, Cleo suggests gathering the clothes you never wear, video games you never play, and records you no longer listen to and putting them on a selling app like Depop, Vinted, or eBay.

“Now your place is tidier, and you have cash that could form a small emergency fund.”

Tidied up and prepared for future catastrophes? Total Virgo boner.

Reframe saving as self-care

Keep your emergency funds separate from your checking account. Malik/ –

To level up from the aforementioned small emergency fund, Cleo recommends building 3-6 months of living expenses into an account you keep separate from your primary checking account.

Cleo says these Savings Pots are not just fiscally responsible, they’re emotionally supportive.

“When it comes to your money, giving yourself a financial safety net is about one thing: self-care. It gives you the confidence and financial security to make choices you want to make, rather than being forced into ones you have to make.”

Find an accountability partner

Find accountability, with AI or otherwise. Jo Panuwat D –

Virgos have a well-due reputation for overthinking and holding themselves to punishing standards, two qualities that can make money talk downright anxiety-inducing.

Cleo reports that 83% of millennials struggle to have frank conversations about their finances.

However, sharing struggles with a pal or a financial application “can help you feel less alone, as you swap tips and keep each other accountable.” 

Optimize your savings

Maximize your money with a High Yield Savings account. Sutthiphong –

Virgo lives to streamline and elevate, making right the f–k now an excellent moment to ensure you’re getting the most out of your dollars with a High Yield Savings account.

Live long, save often, feel worthy, be wealthy.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience.

Read the full article here


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