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A longtime New Jersey politician unleashed a profanity-laden rant at a cop for pulling him over last month — telling the officer that he’s his “boss,” body cam footage shows.

Paulsboro Councilman Theodore D. Holloway tore into the local cop after being flagged for allegedly running a stop sign near Penn Line Road and West Adams Street just after 10 p.m. on Jan. 4, according to footage obtained by Fox News Digital.

Holloway, who has served the borough for 12 years, initially appeared bewildered by the cop — who appeared to recognize the councilman — but quickly reverted to ripping into him.

Paulsboro Councilman Theodore Holloway berated a cop who pulled him over for allegedly rolling through a stop sign. Paulsboro Police Department

“I’m the one that brought you on! I put you on!” Holloway yells at the camera before threatening to call Police Chief Gary Kille, the footage shows.

“I’m the one that hired you! You actually pulled over an elected official. … You’re pulling over your boss. I’m literally your boss.”

The cop then repeatedly asks Holloway why he was acting hysterically — prompting the politician to respond: “You pulled me over for an alleged. For an alleged. For an alleged not stop at a stop sign,” Holloway scolds the cop.

“Bro, it’s an alleged. Because I f–king stopped. You seen my tail lights,” an irate Holloway shouts as the officer says he “rolled through it. You didn’t stop.”

Holloway has been a councilman for 12 years. Borough of Paulsboro

With Holloway “freaking out,” the officer returns to his patrol car, and calls for reinforcements.

But the pol simply turns his attention to the supervising officer who arrived at the scene.

“You know who I am, right?” he demands.

Paulsboro Mayor John Giovannitti slammed Holloway’s behavior, calling it out of character for the longtime elected official.

Holloway threatened to call the officer’s boss. Paulsboro Police Department

“As elected officials, we don’t get special treatment. We have to be held to a higher standard, we can’t get frustrated when something happens and make demands,” Giovannitti told The Post.

“There’s words you can’t say — you can’t say you’re somebody’s boss. And most people don’t have access to a police chief when they get pulled over.”

Giovannitti emphasized that while Holloway’s actions were morally murky, he didn’t do anything illegal. The town has enlisted a lawyer, however, to review the case.

The incident has caused major strife in the small town — with both Holloway and the police officer falling victim to threats from civilians.

“People [complain] the police don’t do enough. Then they do too, but then they did too much. They can’t win,” Giovannitti said.

The mayor wouldn’t share details of the threats, but said they have been turned over to the police.

Holloway did not respond to The Post’s request for comment, but Giovannitti said the elected official has expressed guilt over the incident, chalking it up to a “bad moment.”

Holloway was eventually issued a citation for an expired vehicle registration, but not for any stop sign violation.

Read the full article here


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