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A potential retirement crisis is brewing among female retirees who have only saved about one-third of the amount men have, according to a Prudential Financial survey released Monday. The survey of 905 American adults between the ages of 55 and 75 found that while men had saved a median of $157,000 for retirement, women had only set aside $50,000.”The financial futures of certain cohorts – such as women – are especially precarious,” Caroline Feeney, CEO…

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Former President Trump’s first day in court for a hearing to determine the lawfulness of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment in the classified document investigation concluded Friday without a decision being made.Friday’s hearing inside a courthouse in Fort Pierce, Florida, ended around 2:30 p.m. after the court heard arguments from…


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Much of the country is experiencing a massive heat wave, which means staying hydrated and cool is more important than ever.One way to do this is to park yourself comfortably in or near a body of water or a pool.Staying cool during summer is not only about comfort, protection and…