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The vernal equinox is here and spring hath sprung bringing fresh blood, bright green, longer days and the ancient call to begin again.

When is the spring equinox 2025?

The spring equinox always takes place around March 20 or 21. At this point in time, the Sun crosses the celestial equator and moves north. In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring (vernal if you’re nasty) equinox arrives on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 5:01 a.m. EDT.

As they say, folks, March is a command.

What is an equinox?

Equinox combines the Latin word aequi, meaning “equal,” with nox, meaning “night,” Danicha –

Astronomically, an equinox occurs when the sun is directly above the equator. The term combines the Latin word aequi, meaning “equal,” with nox, which means “night,” and corresponds to the two days of the year, the other being the fall or autumnal equinox, when day and night are equivalent.

March equinox 2025

The spring equinox marks the onset of Aries season. Daria –

The spring equinox marks the onset of Aries season. The first sign in the zodiac, Aries, is associated with initiation, live birth and baptisms by fire, making the merry month of March a fine time to refresh and reignite.

Human behavior is intrinsically tied to seasonal patterns and natural cycles. Our energy levels dip when less daylight is available as darkness triggers the body’s production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

Come spring and its extended sunshine, our energy levels soar and we are more inclined to want to scrub, dust, polish and purge. In addition to de-cluttering and scouring your home, tarot reader and author Kerry Ward also suggests cleansing your ethereal and energetic space.

Read on for her recommended rituals for banishing the bad and ushering in the new.

Open each and every window

Channeling the opening scene of “The Sound of Music” is optional but encouraged. Andrey Popov –

Ward shared that the first step in getting stagnant energy out is to let fresh air in.

Channeling the opening scene of “The Sound of Music“ is optional but encouraged.

She tells The Post, “Open all of your windows. Leave them open whilst you do your magic work because whatever stagnant or negative energies you’re dislodging (that have built up and embedded over the Winter) need someplace to escape to!”

Light white candles

White candles have historically been used to purify spaces, objects and people. oxinoxi –

Ward notes that white candles have historically been used to purify spaces, objects and people.

“Lighting the candles at the start of your deep clean with a little mantra sets a positive intent for what you’re doing and helps kick-start the process! Fire is also the element of transformation, so lighting a candle always signals you’re about to get busy”

Her recommended mantra? “I cleanse and refresh my home’s vibration and energy”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Smoke cleanse your rooms

Ward has some specific recommendations for what to burn and where. Butsarakham –

The ritual of purifying through smoke dates back to the prehistoric era. Often thought of as an agent of spiritual cleansing, recent studies have shown that burning herbal smoke can also reduce levels of bacteria and pathogens in the air by up to 94%.

Ward recommends, “Light a natural incense stick and move it around the room, visualizing the smoke purifying the space and removing negative energy. You can even waft the smoke in the direction of the window to speed things along. And don’t forget the room’s corners and underneath objects!”

In terms of what to burn and where, Ward has some specific recommendations, “Different fragrances can instill different energies into a space, not only, therefore, cleaning but rebooting the room’s mood and feel.”

  • Frankincense: purifying. A good all-rounder.
  • Sage: the go-to MVP for clearing negative energy. Use in a room where there’s been tension or arguing.
  • Sandalwood: promotes calmness and serenity. Lovely for the bathroom.
  • Cedar: grounding and protective. Great for the lounge area.
  • Lavender: soothing and calming. A kitchen-friendly fragrance.
  • Mugwort: enhances meditation and lucid dreaming. Perfect for the bedroom.

“When you’ve cleansed and cleared the space (and it’s hopefully smelling fragrant and beautiful), relax and enjoy your home. Embed and imprint your good mood and satisfaction into each room.”

Add something living, beautiful or both to your home

Fresh flowers can signify that you’re ready and willing to welcome spring. wernerimages –

Ward says that once you’ve exorcised what you don’t want, the time is nigh to introduce new elements.

“You can add a simple Spring accessory; a vase of flowers, a new picture, a seasonal cushion cover or tea towel, a wreath) to signal that you’re ready for, excited about and welcoming towards the new season.”

“The wheel of the year has turned. Show that you’ve turned with it and enjoy the gifts the Universe brings to you!”

For more rituals and recommendations for maximizing magic throughout the year, consider Ward’s, “Guided Magic Manifesting Journal.”

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here


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