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Greetings, Star Seeds; we’re three weeks into the New Year, and many of us are struggling to make and maintain resolutions.

If you’re falling flat or going soft on your commitments to betterment, the stars could be the cause.

Astrologer Babs Cheung, aka The Astro Translator, explains that the get-up and gusto of 2025 is being seriously thwarted by Mars retrograde.

“If you haven’t felt motivated to do any of the usual ‘New Year, New Me’ activities, like goal setting, vision boarding, forming resolutions, or making those wildly popular TikTok bingo cards, you can blame it on Mars retrograde,” he told The Post.

As a refresher, Mars is our planet of will, energy, sexuality, and action, getting it done and getting it on, if you will. Named for the god of war himself, Mars rules blood, the color red, and our sense of vitality.

What happens when Mars is in retrograde?

Mars retrograde can feel a bit defeating, triggering insecurity, impatience, defense and aristocratic levels of ennui. Johannes –

When Mars goes retrograde, as it does once every two years for 8 to 11 weeks, our ability to initiate change and take action is compromised.

Common symptoms of Mars retrograde in Cancer include outbursts, inertia, and deep sloth.

Mars retrograde can feel a bit defeating, triggering insecurity, impatience, defense and aristocratic levels of ennui.

Common symptoms of Mars retrograde, particularly in the murky kiddie pool of Cancer, include outbursts, inertia and deep sloth.

Mars retrograde dates

Mars is named for the god of war. Digital Sensei –

Mars stationed retrograde in Leo on December 6, 2024. Mars continued its retrograde in the sign of Cancer on January 6.

When will Mars retrograde end?

The planet of will and war will station directly in Cancer on February 23, 2025.

Mars retrograde in Cancer

Mars = warrior, and Cancer = maternal, an odd and uncomfortable coupling. CamiloA –

Cheung shared, “Mars is the planet of getting s–t done and is responsible for motivating you to turn over new leaves and change your life for the better. When it’s retrograde, doing anything new might be met with a slow or delayed start. The good news is that you have extra time to chill out, especially as we collectively cope with current world events.”

Cheung told The Post that because Mars is retrograding through Cancer, a sign associated with nourishment, ancestry, home and security, these themes will be at the forefront of our shared consciousness, and we may be more inspired to turn inward rather than express ourselves in or to the world at large.

Mars retrograde is a great time to hibernate. Getty Images/iStockphoto

“This energy amplifies our longing to nurture connections, find comfort, and create a cozy haven with loved ones, including our cherished fur babies. Mars goes direct on February 23, 2025, providing relief and a clear sense of goal setting from start to finish with the intention of becoming better off (than you are presently) in the next 2 years.”

If you’re having trouble focusing on which areas of your life need restoration and improvement, Cheung recommends casting your memory back to the last time Mars was in Cancer.

“The last time Mars was in the sign of Cancer was May 2023, which may have been a period of goal-setting. Perhaps you’ll find motivation and inspiration there. Try looking back at social media posts, calendar events, or gallery photos to get a feel for your mindset at that time. What were you painstakingly working on that motivated you to try your best and put one foot forward?” 

It might be best to save your resolutions until the astrological new year on March 20th. ricka_kinamoto –

Cheung recommends postponing goal-setting rituals until the final week of February, when Mars is officially direct, “Until then, recharge from the holidays, prioritize your peace and health, and get ready for whatever 2025 has to bring.”

Other advice for this transit? Go in, go deep, hibernate, don’t initiate, dissent from toxic tradition, and, for god’s sake, avoid the impetus to act like a weening baby, teething child, petulant teenager, or unhinged adult in a knife fight with the world.

If you’re looking for an even longer gestation period for your proverbial game change/glow-up, consider holding off on any and all new endeavors until the spring equinox on March 20.

Astrologically speaking, the equinox, which ushers in Aries season, is considered the true start of the new year. Elementally speaking, it’s better to ride into resolute change with guns blazing and fire raging than flaccid, bleary-eyed, and under the influence of an emo undertow.

Rest up and get right, folks, 2025 will not be the meek or the mild.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here


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