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As we draw closer to dimming daylight and the veil-thinning, pumpkin-smashing spirit of spooky season, we’re talking witchy business.

The brilliant evolutionary astrologer Angie Hamilton of You, Me, and the Stars shares her insights about which birth chart placements spell (pun intended) witch vibes.

“There’s just certain birth charts that when I look at them right away, I’m like, oh, they’re a fellow witch.”

Hamilton imparts that anyone with one or more of the following six placements is likely holding a fair share of hocus pocus — whether they know it or not.

Read on to learn more about this six-pack of spooky and determine if you’re a star-born witch.

And to see what famous witch aligns with your zodiac sign, go here.

Born at the witching hour

Those born at night prefer the dark. lctishka –

Hamilton says the first indicator of witchiness is being born at night, making your birth chart a nocturnal or night chart.

“When you’re born at night, you have a natural connection to the night, to the moon, to those quiet hours.”

A famous witch with a nocturnal chart? Stevie ‘White Wing Dove’ Nicks.

Hamilton says those born in the dark prefer it, “You tend to like being around when there’s not a lot of other people around you kind of like to move around in the shadows when it’s really quiet.”

Northern Hemisphere dominance

Apex witchy woman Stevie Nicks has Northern dominance in her birth chart. Getty Images

Northern hemisphere dominance is used to describe a birth chart where the majority of the planets sit in the bottom half of the chart.

Using Nicks, who has Northern dominance in her chart, as an example, Hamilton expounds, “It means that she’s more introverted and more subjective and really identifies with other people through what she’s been through.”

Hamilton says those who have Northern dominance are more private, have stronger karmic bonds, and also have more family trauma and drama, formative early pain that contributes to their witchiness.

Power players in your 4th,8th or 12th houses

The water houses are witch houses. everettovrk –

Hamilton says that having three or more planets (also known as a stellium) in the 4th, 8th, or 12th houses indicates indisputable witchery.

All three houses are known as ‘water houses’ as they are traditionally ruled by the water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, respectively.

The fourth house is associated with home and root systems, karmic ties, and ancestral trauma, the 8th house with sex, death, secrets, and other people’s property, while the 12th house is the house of ghosts, hidden enemies, self-sabotage, spirituality, and psychic phenomena.

In essence, the water houses are the witch houses.

In-kind, a pileup of planets in any of these houses suggests these themes will play out prominently and powerfully in the life of the individual.

North or south node in Aquarius

Symbolized by the water bearer, Aquarius is synonymous with the energy of the outsider. Africa Studio –

The North Node relates to our soul’s purpose, while the South Node points to past life experiences — if either node falls in the sign of the perpetual outsider, chances are you are or were a witch.

Hamilton explains, “Aquarius is the energy of being ostracized by society or being looked at as if you’re different or weird or odd, which is super witchy cause witches were the first rebels.”

Uranus aspects

Uranus, the planet of sudden change and absolute freedom, revers_jr –

Speaking of rebellion, Uranus is the rabble-rousing planet of rebellion, disruption, and dissent.

If Uranus makes a strong aspect to your sun, moon, or rising sign, it’s a clear indicator that the weird and the witchy are strong in you.

Neptune or Pluto retrograde

People born with Pluto retrograde in their birth chart have a particularly witchy relationship with death and transformation. Pixel-Shot –

Neptune is the planet of dreams, delusions, and all that is unseen. Pluto is the death daddy planet of karmic retribution, sexuality, and deep transformation.

Hamilton explains that folks born when either planet was retrograde are gifted with heightened powers of intuition and perception, seeing and sensing what others cannot or will not.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here


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